We were the bad guys, the abusers, the salespeople, the perpetrators. We were the ones who helped hide women’s secrets. We were the ones who defended abortion no matter what the cost was to us.
We ostracized our friends, our family, and anyone else that came in between us and our cause. We were the abortionists. We were the abortion clinic workers. We were the abortion clinic directors.
We are now the ones who work to right our wrongs. We work to protect women, in and out of the womb. We are the ones who expose the lies of abortion and the billion dollar industry. We are the ones who now fight for the rights of babies in utero.
We now know the real definition of woman’s rights. We are pro-woman, pro-family, and pro-life. We are the Centurions.
We are a group of people who were once broken, but now we are healed. We were once defensive, but now we are joyous. We were once hostile, but we are now full of peace.
Yes, we are healed. We are healed from the abortions we helped to procure and were active participants in performing. We are healed from our own abortions. We are healed from the lies we told. We are healed through Christ, and we are healed through each other. Through each other’s pain, heartache, stories, and experiences, we find our new selves, our improved selves.
I pray for abortion clinic workers every day. I wish I could reach out to them in the way I want. Several months ago, I recorded a very raw video intended to reach clinic workers. If you haven’t seen the video, I encourage you to view it
The reason I created this video, is that I want clinic workers to know that there is a place for them to land. There is a place for them to find healing. They are not alone. They will not be judged for the things they said or did inside the abortion industry, we have done them, too.
We want you to share your story with us. We want you to find that peace that you are struggling to find. We want you to be a Centurion.
I want to make a special plea for the workers who have been featured in these recent Live Action videos. Some of you have lost your job. You are angry. You worked for an immoral organization, but when you do something immoral, they throw you under the bus.
I understand. You are not the only one who does and says the things that were caught on tape. The only difference is just that, you were caught. The others haven’t been caught, not yet anyway.
You can find solace in us. You can find peace in the Centurions, those of us that have been where you have been. We want to be here for you and support you in the way Planned Parenthood has not and is unable to.
Please let us help us. Please let us be a part of your healing.
For more information, please email me directly through my “contact” link or go directly to Society of Centurions.
Dear Abby,
I just started following your blog after reading your book.
Thank you for continuing to reach out to the abortion workers.
Amidst the media storm and confusion of LIVEACTIONS investigations and Gosnell’s butchery, the good people inside the Industry must feel alienated and cut off from the world. They need to know that they are loved, and we want to help them get out.
Re. Society of Centurions — brilliant, brilliant, brilliant, brilliant, brilliant.
I’ve been having a few “warm” discussions online lately with folks who are, IMO, indulging themselves somewhat pruriently in the whole “Satanic Abortion” fad, including outrageous claims about rituals in clinics, irrreponsible misrepresentation of neoPagans*, and claiming all clinic workers are possessed, etc. (I’m not naming any names, but one of this idea’s main proponents is now out of the pro-life ministry because of sexual and liturgical misconduct.) Not only is this — indulging in overblown hysterics about Satanism — conduct unbecoming of Christians (it violates the 9th commandment and is also just plain sloppy thinking and nasty schadenfreude), it also helps keep people on the cusp from even giving the pro-life position a second look. (The use of the nasty phrase “pro-aborts” similarly endangers babies’ & women’s lives — it’s usually said with a harsh emphasis on the ugly “z” sound at the end, and with a facial expression of prurient pleasure that makes me want to run for the hills — and I’m pro-life already. We really need to take a clue from Peter Kreeft and many other pro-life apologists who are quite capable of constructing powerful appeals using neutral and respectful language. Anything else is just self-indulgence that endangers the cause. (I was quite impressed with the marches for life, recently, also, which absolutely avoided spiteful language and illegitimate appeals to emotion or primitive tribalism.)
*I spent about 27 years as a neo-Pagan before returning to Catholicism three years ago; I know what I’m talking about. The overwhelming majority of neo-Pagans and Wiccans should be filed in the same drawer with Hindu, Native American Religions, and Daoism, as far as Christian are concerned. No, we don’t agree with them, but (paraphrasing the Catechism, here) they’re not crazed monsters and do have part of the Truth. And, as human beings, they are intrinsically worthy of respect.
So, where was I? Oh, yes. Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant, brilliant…
Thank you so much, Abby.
As I’ve written to you privately, I am a Centurion, and I thank you and applaud you for your courage to continue speaking out and reaching out… you are an inspiration.