I wrote a series of articles about contraception that I encourage all of you to read. They may challenge you. I hope they do. Prolifers need to know that contraception is NOT okay. You can NOT say that you believe that life begins at conception and then support the use of hormonal methods. You can read more about hormonal birth control here.
The second article discusses the idea that has been sold to women for so long, which is that hormonal birth control is the only way to “fix” our reproductive problems such as endometriosis, PCOS, and others. What we’re told is healthy is actually breaking us. Hormonal birth control doesn’t fix anything. Read more on this issue here.
The third article talks about the physical side effects that occur due to birth control, and as sad as it is to say these side effects can be deadly. Follow the link for more information here.
Many times, we hear that contraception reduces abortion. However, the fourth article actually shows that to be a contradiction to what we are told. For more information click here.
Abby let me first say that there is no doubt that you believe in what you’re doing & sincerely have a passion for it. Every person is entitled to their own opinion & belief . With that said I find it very disheartening that you have gone out of your way to make sure that others cannot share their own opinions and beliefs with you and your Fb followers. If you are so confident that you have all of the facts correct in the case of the 14 year old rape victim that had her baby taken away 52 hours after giving birth, then please tell me why you have deleted & blocked all comments that might challenge you?! As I said in my comment that I left which was quickly taken down, that it appears that you do a good job spreading your ProLife message but you have completely discredited yourself by misleading people & not allowing an open exchange of thoughts, questions & grievances in this matter. I also think that by editing your prior posts about the attorney working on this case who gave you the information to later read as someone with first hand knowledge was only done because a reader pointed out the fact that if this is indeed true it would not only unlawful but they could be disbarred. There are thousands of people following this case & watching you delete comment after comment is only adding to their suspicions of you having ill willed intentions. If you want people to hear you and believe you then must learn respond in a manner that conveys honesty & integrity not silencing people who disagree with you. I am right here in Alabama and trust me when I say that I want the whole truth to come out even if it is the way that you have described it but in no means do I think it’s ok for you to cover up the truth. You have deleted comments from actual friends and family of this young victim which looks really bad and leads some to think that you have something to hide. I myself have a really hard time trying to rationalize your reasons for deliberately hiding what people are saying. I have no doubt that you will remove this but at least I know that you have had to read it first & maybe just maybe you’ll hear me this time.
Well done Abby, great Job and God bless your efforts to expose this evil!
Did it ever occur to your group that there is a separation of ‘church ‘and state? Church can mean either church, synogogue, mosque, or any other house of worship. We are not all fundamentalist christians in the United States. Your religious beliefs regarding abortion are simply that, your own and not everyone else’s.