There was a two week window before I received the alarm code to our clinic. I guess it takes that long for them to trust you. I remember getting the code and being in shock. The code was 2229. That seemed innocent, until they told me what it spelled out: BABY. Really? Wow.
We were really joking about that. Our alarm code mocked the murder of children. A few weeks later I was introduced to our freezer in the POC (products of conception) lab. This was the freezer that held the fetal tissue until the biohazard truck came for disposal. I discovered the name for that freezer, the nursery. Again, that was a joke. How had that become a joke?
A few days later, I learned the password to our phone system. That was also 2229, for BABY.
A couple of years later, I walked in on my supervisor making jokes with the abortionist and another employee in that same POC lab. They were joking about how the fetal tissue floating in this dish looked like bar-b-que. Excuse me? Did I hear that correctly? Did they really just say that?
Then one of them said, “I actually think this part looks like strawberry jam.” I turned around and walked out without saying a word. I felt sick to my stomach. How did that conversation begin? How could they say that? Was it enough to make me leave? No. I was one of them now. I was drenched in the evil of that place.
Several years later, I discovered that my affiliate was going to build the largest abortion clinic in the Western Hemisphere. I remember my boss making the announcement, “We are building the largest abortuary in the country!” We all busted out laughing as we applauded.
We loved hearing all of the words pro-lifers called our clinics. We were all so proud. We were doing something that would go down in the history books. Good for us, we thought.
About a year before I left, the Coalition for Life group had moved in next door to our clinic. We joked about sending them a “welcome to the neighborhood” gift. Maybe we should send them cookies in the shape of babies with red icing on them that resembles blood. We laughed. We thought we were so witty. It wasn’t wit.
I could go on and on. I look back now and wonder how I could let my mind become so numb to something so terrible.
You might be wondering the reason I am sharing this with you. Why would I let you in on conversations that are so disgusting? I guess I need you to understand what it is really like inside these clinics.
Was my experience unique? Was mine the only clinic that joked around like this? No. We are all the same. Can someone be pro-life and work in the abortion industry? No. Can someone refer a woman to have an abortion and be pro-life? No, definitely not.
Don’t allow people, in or out of the abortion industry, to believe something that isn’t true. If we can’t speak the truth, and do it out of compassion, then what are we doing? If we can’t confront the inconsistencies in someone’s belief system, then why bother being pro-life?
There are things that are just true. You can’t be prolife and work in the abortion industry. You can’t have an abortion and say you are pro-life while you are lying on the abortion table. You can’t receive a paycheck from the abortion industry and say that you are pro-life. Those things just don’t wash.
It’s time to show consistency in this movement. It’s time to be honest. It’s time to start speaking out.
I don’t know what Planned Parenthood you worked for, but the one I work for has no “BABY” passwords, does NOT name freezers “the nursery,” and the staff doesn’t joke about abortion.
Abortion is a serious thing and if that clinic cannot take it seriously it needs to be shut down. I have worked at five different clinics and none of them were this atrocious in the least. Maybe stop smearing ALL Planned Parenthoods . . . hasty generalizations do not make one look intelligent in the end.
I worked for the 4th largest affiliate in the country…and traveled nationally to PP clinics. They were all similar in their behavior. I was on a team of about a hundred abortion clinic directors and we were all the same…the “jokes” were the same. I now have a ministry for former abortion clinic workers and they all have the same sorts of stories…and they are from all over the country. They share the exact same type of stories of abhorrent “jokes” and behavior. It is not an isolated incident, not even close. In fact, my supervisor was probably the worst when it came to disgusting conversation about abortion. She joked around about it more than anyone else and she was on the board of NAF!! She is a leader in the abortion industry and she behaves like that. It is sad.
Keep the Faith Abby! Don’t let so-called “Good Abortion People” like ProChoiceandProud try to deter you. God is doing a work in and through you. YOU ARE SHOWING THE LIGHT OF CHRIST! God bless you, my sister in Him!
I remember making immature comments as a teenager, not about abortion specifically, but implications of worthlessness of human life, about using a dead baby as fertilizer. In my naivety I thought them to be harmless and witty also. Anything for a laugh, right???? It makes me think of the words of Jesus as he was dying for this very sin on the cross, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do”. As an adult I see how disgusting my comments were. I have recently buried our miscarried baby beneath a tree in our yard because I could not dispose of it in the trash. This was done out of love and genuine heartbreak. Prochoiceandproud, I have two small children, and though the timing of this baby would have been a little inconvenient, his life would have been cherished and welcomed with love by our family. Any facility that takes the life of an unborn child is atrocious, regardless of how guarded their conversation is. Can’t you see, not being “this atrocious” is nothing to be proud of? What exactly did you mean anyway, about not being “this atrocious”? Examine your own words…perhaps you already see they are still atrocious nonetheless.