I remember the meeting as if it were yesterday. All of the clinic directors assembled in the main conference room, sitting in a sort of squared-circle facing each other. We were being told that we had all been guilty of fraudulent billing to the state and federal government.
We didn’t even know that we had been participating in the fraud. We were all sitting there in silence. What did this mean? Were we in trouble? Could we potentially get in trouble?
So, I broke the silence. I simply asked, “What are we going to do about the money we shouldn’t have received?” The response, “We are going to hope we don’t get caught.” But, ”What if we do get caught? Can we be held responsible?”
She then went into a long story about a similar situation she had once been in at a clinic where she once worked. The moral of the story was, yes, we could all be held responsible, but not to worry, “we” wouldn’t get caught.
A couple years later, I left Planned Parenthood. I spoke with several attorneys about that meeting. I knew what I had been involved in was wrong and I knew Planned Parenthood needed to be held accountable.
That meeting had nothing to do with pro-life or pro-choice issues. It was about our tax dollars and fiscal responsibility. So, I decided to come forward with the information I knew and I am now involved in a lawsuit against Planned Parenthood.
I often think about the people I worked with at Planned Parenthood. When this case goes to court, can they be held accountable? Yes. Can they be put in jail for this fraudulent activity? Yes. Is that a scary thought? Absolutely.
Whenever I think back, I realize just how shocking and disrespectful Planned Parenthood was. You can see how much they value their personnel. “We are going to hope we don’t get caught.” However, if we do get caught, we will throw you under the bus instead of correcting our mistake.
Maybe at the present time you are a clinic worker. Maybe you are aware of fraudulent activity taking place at your facility. Maybe it is happening and you don’t even know about it.
Recently, we viewed videos exposed by Live Action that show clinic workers who are aware they’re breaking the law. Has that been you? Can you really trust your employer, the abortion industry? This is the same industry that has multiple lawsuits pending, all initiated by former clinic workers, who allege fraud.
This is the same industry that is currently under Congressional investigation because of suspected misdeeds. This is the same industry that has been caught again and again by Live Action and other groups breaking the law and deliberately lying to patients.
These are the people you trust? You think they are loyal to you? Think again. Just months before I left Planned Parenthood, I had received their “Employee of the Year” award. Three weeks after I left, I was sitting in a court fighting against the people I once called my closest friends. You’ve heard the saying, “There is no honor among thieves.” Well, there is even less honor in the abortion industry.
You may hear things from your supervisors like, “Oh, those Live Action videos are a hoax.” Why don’t you check it out for yourself? We always post unedited video on our site. If they are indeed a “hoax” then why do these clinics always fire the employees involved in the videos?
I understand tolerance and acceptance, but those two things do not require law breaking, which is what we see over and over again. I remember watching one video. The clinic workers said, “We don’t judge here. We accept people from all walks of life.” I could almost hear my voice making that statement.
The clinic worker was reassuring a pimp and a prostitute that their illegal sex trafficking ring was “safe” with Planned Parenthood. You see what we have done? We have forgotten who we are working to protect. We have allowed the idea of “tolerance” to cloud our judgment of right and wrong.
I suspect you have run into similar situations at your clinic, I know I did. Did you brush them off under the idea that ‘you are a tolerant person’ or did you do the right thing and stand up against what you saw? I bet you let “tolerance” and “acceptance” get the best of you.
Are you willing to be the scapegoat for your employer? Are you willing to go to prison for this industry? If not, then we can help. You don’t have to feel trapped. There is a way out and it’s called And Then There Were None, an organization with its mission to help you leave the abortion industry. We provide four streams of assistance.
- Up to three months of financial support after a worker resigns and help with job placement.
- Emotional support during the transition time.
- A spiritual adviser of the former worker’s choosing.
- Free legal counsel to protect the worker’s interests during transition.
There is no reason to remain in the abortion industry if you are seeking a way out, and we have a strong desire to help you. You deserve better than the abortion industry. You deserve to work somewhere where you are valued and respected. Let us help.
Contact And Then There Were None today.
Dear Abby, Are you aware of the “spiritual adoption” of babies in danger of being aborted. You ask God to assign you a fetus to pray for and you pray for the fetus and their parents for one year. How would you like to have people request the name of an abortionist and one clinic worker to pray for by name for what ever period of time. If you want to have more ideas about this, feel free to email me. Thanks for your Christlike attitued toward these poor souls.
It is a baby not a fetus. I have that prayer card on my desk. It says Spiritually adopt an unborn baby, this baby is counting on you. Adoptive baby’s name____________________.
Watch this. Whether or not you are Catholic, it will resonate.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61wj4tJICcc&feature=player_embedded
October 7, 1997Feast of the Holy Rosary
The Rosary of the Unborn:
God promises with each Hail Mary recited a baby is saved from abortion somewhere in the world!
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Our Lady comes in white. In front of Her and suspended in the air is an unusual rosary. The Our Fathers’ are crosses of drops of blood. The Hail Marys’ are tear drops with unborn babies inside of them. The cross is gleaming gold. Our Lady says: “I come in praise of Jesus, My Son. I come as Prophetess of these times.”
“The rosary you see is heaven’s way of describing to you the weapon that will overcome this evil of abortion. Heaven weeps for the cost of this great sin. The history and the future of all nations has been changed because of this atrocity against God’s gift of life.”
“Today, sadly, much responsibility must be placed on the laity who are consecrated to Me. I cannot depend on Church leadership to unite in an effort to vanquish the enemy through the Rosary. Even My apparitions have caused division by Satan’s efforts to thwart My plans.”
“So today, on My feast day, I am calling all My children to unite in My Heart. Do not allow pride to divide you according to which apparition you will follow. Become part of the Flame of My Heart. Be united in love and in the prayer weapon of My Rosary. The evil of abortion can be conquered by your efforts and through My grace.”
“Propagate the image I have shown you today.”
Thank you, Abby. You are a continual reminder to this sidewalk counselor to love and reach out to those who are working in the abortion industry.
Watch this disturbing video which shows that racism still plays a role in the abortion industry today . . .
i live in tennessee. these spoiled women have no idea what real life is. at least blackburn doesn’t. she is only good for spitting out republican talking points. and if she is interrupted in the mist of giving those talking points she gets this bewildered look on her face and has to start over. she wants attention. that is why she is doing this. she is not in the least concerned with what women who can’t afford to go to the doctor will do without planned parenthood.
“Services to the Field of Family Planning” at $23.5 million and “Services to Affiliates” at $18 million appear to include Planned Parenthood’s considerable media spending on publications, advertising, and the Internet. The plannedparenthood.org web site logged more than 720,000 visits a month. It promotes and defends Planned Parenthood services like abortion, containing “fact sheets” and media releases on abortion, as well as full contact information for local Planned Parenthood affiliates.
Perkins: Planned Parenthood’s reputation isn’t the only thing taking a beating, so are its teenage followers. Hello, I’m Tony Perkins with the Family Research Council in Washington. The abortion industry can cover anything up and their latest video proves it. In the footage, Planned Parenthood coaches girls on looking good after they’ve been physically abused. “I’ve had a bit of a rough time,” says a girl with bruises, “but I’m going to be doing a talk today on how to cover-up.” She shows teenagers how to use makeup to hide the assault. “If you’ve got some bruising,” she says with a choking motion, “you can always pull your hair down to the side or use a scarf.” The tape is from the UK but Planned Parenthood calls it, “How to look your best the morning after.” And this is the kind of education taxpayers are spending millions on? When Planned Parenthood’s not promoting violence against babies, they’re condoning it among teenagers. So if anything should be sporting cuts, it’s Planned Parenthood’s budget.
To be sure Obama had defensible reasons not to appear at PPFA’s “Time to Care” Gala Thursday, instead delivering remarks Friday. Perhaps that’s why his laudatory praise for Planned Parenthood was, even by his standards, over the top.
“Birth control itself, often denounced as a violation of natural law, is nothing more or less than the facilitation of the process of weeding out the unfit, of preventing the birth of defectives or of those who will become defectives.”–Margaret Sanger, “Women and the New Race”, Ch 18.