There are times where we get flipped off, cussed out, and yelled at. People throw things at us. People rev their engines at us. People swerve their cars toward us. We have the cops called on us. But, we are blessed? Absolutely!
We are the most blessed of all! Does it feel good to be chastised? Not really. But, it is so worth it. Have you ever experienced saving a child from the sidewalk, right before that child is about to be aborted? It is the most amazing thing. Have you been out to the sidewalks yet? Have you been out to pray where abortions are taking place EVERY day in this country?
If you haven’t, now is the time. Don’t wait for the “right time.” The right time is now. Babies are dying from abortion TODAY. Go and pray TODAY. Don’t wait. Yes, it is scary. Yes, it is uncomfortable. Yes, you need to do it. Be assured that you are not alone in your prayer.
There are people all over the country that are standing in front of abortion clinics praying for the conversion of hearts. We also pray for the conversion of abortion clinic workers. Everyone can pray. You can pray, but praying at home is not enough.
The power of prayer in front of clinics will amaze you. It will save the lives of children. It will save women from a lifetime of regret. Not too many things are better than that. You can do it. Just make the commitment. You can go to any clinic at any time to pray.
Visit 40 Days for Life to find a list of campaigns
THANK YOU, Abby! YES, I am praying where abortions are being done, and it is all thanks to you and your amazing courage to tell your story over and over again. THANK YOU!
God Bless you!
All the best,
Your thoughts are right on. I have found that when I am praying in front of PP, and the folks that flip me off, slow down and curse, only cause me to smile, for I want to encourage them to attempt to think differently, but also I think God helps me smile so I do not cry. Last week, standing alone in front of the abortuary, which has been in place in Spokane WA for over 20 years, the thought came to me that the blood of innocents is crying out from that place. Their voices are being heard on high. But in this world we live in, their voices are drowned out by neglect, avoidance, noise from the culture of death.
Peace and God Bless, and may Jesus Christ be the center of your life
Thank you Abby. I’ve been going lately every other day and I have to admit it is very uncomfortable at times. Just the other day a car sped up and got so close to the curb I thought they were going to hit me and the other person I was with. I honestly don’t know how I would react if someone tried to hurt me. Wonder if I should carry pepper spray just in case. I’m hoping nothing happens but I wouldn’t want to be in a situation where someone became violent and we were not prepared for that scenario.
To the women who had the abortion of the 13 week old babe in her womb mentioned in your book. Do you ever think of her? Do you ever wonder about her? The hand that touched her belly. I hope oneday my hand can wipe her tears. Is there room at the cross for her without judgement, but tangible mercy? Mercy so free of judgment that pro-lifers won’t look at her in disgust in silence within their hearts {the griminess and guilt of her sin}. …I will pray for her. I will devoutly pray for every post aborted woman who needs the cross more than the blameless do. How do you think she would feel reading about her experience and your experience in your book one day? Your book was awesome!! The best pro-God life changing God material I have ever read. The real stuff. The real compassion. Your heart is compassionate – stay there Abby. Please- please-please stay there. You will see much controversy from pro-lifers. Abby just run to the cross. Run to the cross. I think of the girl lying down on that abortion table. She needs that cross…One day as she picks up to read your book.
I just can’t stop thinking of her… {Lord I feel that gut-wretch pain}…
“O Father, break her fall – break that strong fall. {the guilt of her sin will eat her up if no one reaches out to her tangibly when she feels all the weight of sin).”
Lord have mercy because post aborted women will be prompted and triggered by all of this. If we look up in the direction of Moses, Paul and King David’s teachings – then the Lord uses the women lying on the table. He chooses the weak {the –weak, the feeble} to confound the wise..
Abby, I still remember crying hysterically {HYSTERICAL} when my doctor (the abortionist) saw me before going in. He said, “It will all be over soon- the pain will cease. This is very tough. And he patted me on the shoulder. He actually had concern on his face for me. I really thought that he was against me (from Pl’s), but in actual fact (years later) he really thought he was helping a 15 yr old teenager. It was all out of ignorance.
Or am I just being ignorant to not show him that same mercy of jesus. I need to sit on this fence. The fence that divides so unsympathetically…..
He died years later; and all I can do is cry out to God. “Lord, I pray he called out to you. Lord I pray he is surrounded by children in heaven doting on him in service to the Lord, I pray he is free…free Lord!!!!{i know that sounds kind of foolish saying that}.” But if God is timeless, then he heard my prayer before he even formed me into being. He heard my prayer for the ‘abortionist.’ The man who thought he was helping… just helping). Is there room at the cross for him without judgment, or better yet the ‘silence’ of disgust in PL’s hearts to exile without judging this man?
“Father, bridge the way because my heart can’t stand this anymore…bridge the way. I think I’ll sit on the fence (the fence that cuts and divides).”
I hate abortion, but again if a women’s mind is clearly made up – then I’d rather see a sterile abortion then a back alley one causing a second death. I am not saying that because I want abortion to go on…I just want abortion to be a very RARE thing – a thing that is unthinkable. A thing not considered.
Bless you abundantly. You’re in the spotlight…..bridge the way Abbs. God is using you….bridge the way. Continue having a humble heart for your pro-choice friends. Abby they need you (who else will bridge that Abby)? He has raised you up. I hope you write a second book one day. A book that compliments the first. A book for your friends…(the abortionist, the girls lying on the table, your staff friends….
Bless you far beyond measure -so far beyond measure Abster . You don’t even know the happiness and joy I feel for a women like you that God has so graciously raised up. Humility will always be a sweet reward (-:
You probably will not post this (that’s o.k.), but I hope it is at least read by you. Have a good day Abbs. (-:
My children started out being so hurt by the vulgar things people have said (and done – hello, one-fingered-wave!) as we stand praying outside the local Planned Parenthood. But I reminded them that Jesus said that we are blessed when people slander us and make fun of us and call us names for His Name’s sake. Then I reminded them that when Christ Himself was suffering His Passion, He remained meek and humble. We can’t do any less!
Now we pray for the people who are so angry that they see nothing wrong with flipping off children who are standing and praying with their parents. We pray for the people working inside Planned Parenthood. And I honestly can say that I love those women in there! I pray for them every day, making offerings for their sakes.
God bless you, thank you for your amazing conversion story, and I’ll see you back on Twitter soon.
Yes, I have been blessed beyond measure by FINALLY getting out there in front of our local Planned Parenthood and praying – thanks to the reading of your GREAT BOOK! I can’t tell you how many new and wonderful friends I have made! And the hearts who have touched mine deeply, especially the poor young girls/women brought in and out by their husbands? boyfriends? and MOTHERS!!! :((((