So, this was great. In fact, it was so great that I had to blog about it. I am not one to break rules… well, not moral ones. All of you know that I spend most of my life on an airplane. As soon as the cabin door closes, all “electronic devices” are supposed to be turned off including cell phones.
Usually, I do just that, but today, I was waiting for a very important text message from my husband, so I decided to leave it on just a little longer than I should have. Right as I was about to shut my phone off, the curious flyer next to me says, “You know you are supposed to have that off.” I replied, “Yes, I know.”
He then continued to police my cell phone activity and said, “But you are not turning it off.” I almost started laughing at the absurdity of the situation, but then I realized something even more profound. And yes, it has to do with abortion.
So, here’s this complete stranger, he has no idea why I might still be on the phone. Maybe I’m awaiting a text about my father who was admitted to the hospital. Maybe I’m flying home because my child had an accident. He has absolutely no idea what my life is like on the outside of this airplane. Yet, he felt comfortable enough to question my cell phone use. There’s lies my point.
We as a society feel that it’s our business to intrude and barge in on people’s lives at the drop of the hat, even for something as silly as texting on a cell phone. However, when it comes to telling a woman that abortion is a bad decision for her and her unborn child, all of a sudden “We don’t have the right to tell a woman what to do with her body.” Give me a break!
If you saw a woman about to jump off a bridge, wouldn’t you try to help talk her down? According to this standard of thought, you shouldn’t. After all, it’s her body. She can do what she wants with it.
If she happens to be pregnant and going to jump off a bridge, that doesn’t matter either, right? I mean, who cares about the baby inside of her, right? We shouldn’t tell her what to do! Her body is the only thing that matters anyway, not the body of the baby.
Really, who cares what people do to themselves or others. It’s not our business to tell them it’s right or wrong. Wanna be a drug addict? Fiiiine! Wanna rape women? Even better! Wanna beat your kids? More power to you! Does this line of thought make sense to you? It doesn’t to me.
The guy next to me on the plane was a perfect example of how we are always ready to tell others what to do, unless, of course, it involves taking the life of their unborn child. How hypocritical and shameful.
Abby – while this argument makes sense to many, it’s countered by folks who claim abortion is ‘self defense’ and are also opposed to self harm. So, they are against people harming themselves, but fine with someone killing a ‘fetus that is intruding in their body.’ Not clear how to counter someone who actually believes that the natural act of sperm fertilizing an egg is a violation of their body.
Yes, I have also encountered people like that…although there aren’t that many. Some women do believe that we are “slaves to our uterus.” Honestly, there really is no reasoning with them, because that thinking is just so unreasonable. We can only pray for them and speak the truth in their presence. Also, abortion does cause harm to their own bodies. Sometimes that is something that can be pointed out to them. There are so many cases of women who have died from abortion or have been seriously injured. If they are so concerned with the protection of their own bodies, then abortion is clearly not the right answer.
A wonderful point!! I especially agree with the ‘jumping off the bridge’ scenario. According to the laws of interacting with abortion minded mamas we would have no right to tell someone about to commit suicide not to jump.I also saw another issue you in the cell phone police man – how did that make you feel? This guy didn’t know you from Adam and has no idea why you are waiting for a cell phone call. He does not know your story or you path. As in your book, we need to be mindful of other peoples history. I’m not saying don’t say anything to that abortion minded mother, but we all need to remember that she is probably coming from a very difficult place. We need to be respectful of that place if we ever want to reach the heart of that mother.
Abby, thank you for.the sharing. Yesterday, I was watching the debate in Congress on defunding Planned Parenthood and I was struck by the arguments of the pro-abortion folks. According to them PP is doing a lot of good and sometimes it is the only health care resources poor women have. So, in Nancy Pelosi’s words “thank God the senate is not going to approve ” (the defunding) and “we need to trust and respect women”. I was shocked! What are they thinking? I guess they truly believe thatGod is going to intervene and struck down all those who dare going after women (and Planned Parenthood)by disrespecting their choice.How did we get so far?How can we come back?