I mean, at least a thank you card. After all, Planned Parenthood called their clinic manager, Amy Woodruff’s behavior “repugnant.” Wouldn’t they WANT to get rid of a “repugnant” employee??
I think Live Action deserves a thank you. In fact, if I still worked for Planned Parenthood media, that is exactly how I would recommend they frame their response. But, they won’t.
Planned Parenthood can’t admit fault. And, it wasn’t just one employee. Now, Live Action has released 5 videos concerning sex trafficking of minors. Not one of the employees in these videos even batted an eye. They never said they would have to report the activity.
Shouldn’t Planned Parenthood be thankful that Live Action brought these “bad apples” to their attention? What’s interesting is that Planned Parenthood actually has “mystery callers” and “mystery shoppers.” They evaluate the employees and how well they provide and offer Planned Parenthood services.
I guess they must have missed all of these clinics. Maybe Planned Parenthood should just hire Live Action!! I’m sure they would happily clean house!!
To view all of the videos, please visit Live Action.
What worries me is the glee that I see so many reputable pro-lifers showing at these videos. While I too want to see the corruption of PP exposed, we must do this in the honesty that Christ calls us to.
Galatians 3:3
Are you so foolish? after beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort?
Just finished Unplanned and your story is a story of grace, Abby. The way to convert PP will be through those means of prayer and through the trust that the Coalition for Life built up with you.
Let Lila Rose and Live Action continue their work, but we as Christians should not be endorsing this and applauding it, because it will damage us in the long run.
What you are saying does make any sense to me, Julie. Why wouldn’t we be supportive of what Live Action is doing? Why wouldn’t we want to endorse their efforts? You see, this is exactly what I am talking about. We need to be UNITED. Working together. Endorsing each others efforts. Your response to Live Action’s efforts and our support of their work and this incredible footage is both ridiculous and not beneficial for anyone. If you even read any of the other blogs where I talked about praying for workers and these women involved in abortion, you would see that I obviously use the model that the Coalition showed me. However, prayer is not enough. We must do much more than that. We must be active in the pro-life movement. We must be out at the clinics, exposing their lies, reaching out the workers, helping them find other jobs, getting women away from the clinics and to other life affirming centers. We have to be active. That is what Live Action is doing. I will continue to celebrate that.
Julie,I totaly agree with Abby. As christians we need to stand up to abuse and injustice, continuing to pray, but acting as well. I think of Jesus who had the courage to drive all those merchats out of the temple. If we don’t do it we would be taking part in the same sin as the PP staff and ultimately people might think that what they’re doing is ok because nobody complained. Thank you Live Action for your courage and wonderful work. I just wish that it would be more in the news for everyone to see!
Thanks for responding Abby, perhaps I should have been more explicit. What Live Action does is spying, which means assuming a false identity and fooling someone in order to gain information. That is fine if done by the correct authorities. However Christians cannot use sinful methods in order to gain results. The means does not justify the end.I am not saying that Live Action shouldn’t continue their work, however for Christian pro-lifers to support them in the methods of deceit paints us with a brush of duplicity and deceit. It doesn’t matter that they uncover truth, we cannot share in those methods.
Your story told of how you were changed over a long period of time through the prayers of people out there. Imagine if they had come in like Live Action and done that sting on you. Would you have been converted by that? would it have changed anyone in your clinic? I doubt it, it would have created more hostility toward pro-lifers and made the chasm between the compassionate workers in the clinic and those outside who also are there out of compassion.
Lying is not something that we should do, and I do believe that supporting the methods of Live Action will tarnish the reputation of people who have quite a lot of respect, namely David Bereit and Shawn Carney.
40 Days began with prayer and should remain as prayer, not become associated with stings. It seems pretty simple to me. The old question – what would Jesus do? I can’t see Jesus taking part in a sting.
Julie,We are talking about the killing of innocent children…not trying to find slime in a restaurant ice machine. Give me a break. Do you realize what is going on inside of those clinics???? I WISH Live Action would have come into our clinic and exposed what we were doing to those poor women! Maybe I would have gotten out of there earlier! David Bereit and Shawn Carney also support the efforts of Live Action. In fact, David was on the http://www.exposeplannedparenthood.com webcast with me. We have to remember that this is also about changing our CULTURE!!!!! Our culture is death-centric. They support Planned Parenthood because they don’t know what they do behind those closed doors. Live Action is opening those doors. That is important and we should all, as pro-lifers, be proud to support them.
So what do you think about the “how to catch a predator” shows? Are you against those, too? They are stinging people. What about people who infiltrate child pornography rings? Are you against those people? This is a totally ridiculous argument. Do I think God would be for this? Yes. Our society is killing his children. You talk about the “means justifying the end.” If the means is stinging Planned Parenthood so they can no longer kill children…I will be sneaky ALL DAY LONG!
Julie, As Christians it is our job to expose people like that and sometimes you have to play there game there way in order to win.