During my time working for Planned Parenthood, there was something that we were not allowed to talk about. If we didn’t talk about it, then maybe no one else would either. It was called the Jaffe Memo.
In 1969, Planned Parenthood was asked by the government to produce some ideas to help with overpopulation. That’s just what they did. What is in the memo as a “solution” to overpopulation is astounding. It’s sad to say, but it seems as if the Jaffe Memo has already begun in our culture.
Follow this for the Jaffe Memo for more information.
Scary, isn’t it? What is scarier is that some of these things are happening, and they have begun to happen under Obama’s reign. “Reduce/eliminate paid maternity leave or benefits.” Sound familiar?
This memo was published just over 50 years after the first Planned Parenthood clinic was opened. We are now a little over 40 years out from the publication of this memo. Look what has happened in those 90 years.
Abortion has been made legal and continued to increase. Planned Parenthood is a non-profit giant in this country, also in others, and just last year the organization grossed $1 billion dollars in revenue. They are also pushing for no restrictions on birth control and abortion. Guess who is right alongside them leading the charge? Our Commander in Chief, Barack Obama.
Don’t be naïve. This memo is still Planned Parenthood’s ultimate desire. Abortion and contraceptives on demand, that is their goal. Planned Parenthood will do anything it takes to make it a reality including coercion, breaking the law, underhanded deals, and dirty politics.
It’s to stand up, speak up, and to fight back. I do not want to live in a communist country. That, of course, would be no problem for Planned Parenthood, especially since they would end up on top in a communist regime.
Think about what could happen in the next 50 years if pro-lifers don’t stand up against this organization! FORCED abortion, it could happen. LIMITS ON CHILDREN, another possibility.
Spread this message to other people who value life. Show people what Planned Parenthood is really about. Don’t be silent!
Get the word out. Go pray at a clinic. Reach out to abortion clinic workers. Only vote for candidates that clearly state they will remove funding from Planned Parenthood. This memo is real and it is really happening in our country. This is not just a fight we have on our hands, it is an all-out war. Let’s put on our armor. Truth still matters.
Truly disgusting. I showed this to a guy who was “pro-choice” 20 years ago and once he looked at it, he dismissed it as just “proposed measures.”
that is so scary!!
This is indefensible. Thank you for your investigative work bringing this horrible reality out in the open.
You rock. Keep up the good fight.
WOW! Thank you for your blog! I had absolutely no idea that private insurance does not cover maternity care now! How sick and disgusting.On a good note there are Christian ministries that do, like Medi-Share. I’m currently a member with them and am 35wks pregnant. It’s an awesome ministry and I know exactly where/who my money is going to. No abortion coverage either 🙂
My stomach is sickened by this memo. So much of the recommendations have been done–change in ideal family size, encourage homosexuality, give out contraception in non-medical places, etc.
I’m reading a fictional book series called “Among the Hidden” about the horrible consequences when the government restricts the number of children allowed. The parallels to the Jaffe Memo are terrifying.
Please keep up your fight. You are in my prayers.
What is truly frightening is just how many of these measures have already been implemented! Absolutely all of the “Social Constraints” have been implemented. If you don’t think there are fertility control agents in the water, do a little research on the effect of fluoride on fertility. Several of the “Social Controls” have been implemented. And every one of these measures has been advertised as a benefit to society. If not for the reliable and constant teaching of the Catholic Church, the whole world would be plunged into darkness on this matter and so many others!
Proposed measures? A wish list rather, some of which has already come to pass.
Thank you for writing this! I would have never had any idea about the Jaffe Memo if not for you.
I have done lots of research on Margaret Sanger and a lot of her board members. To find out why PPH was even established and that they supported Eugenics was eye opening.
I am so tired of hearing that people who are pro life are ignorant or uneducated because I am educated and have done countless hours of research on PPH and I know what I read and what I found out. There is no denying the facts.
Why is Chronic Depression on there? Aside from the fact that having all this implemented could cause chronic depression, it seems a bit out of place.
‘Carl Brown’…I’m debating on if I should show this to any of my pro-choice friends, and I’ll probably get the same reaction you did. I don’t understand the attitude people like that have. The fact that these measures were even thought up and documented should be of concern to anyone, especially in this country.
My husband works overseas and has healthcare that does nothing for me here in the states. Last year we decided we wanted to start a family. We called many brokers and got the same answers. While I can get individual healthcare, I cannot get maternity care. I was told to either get a job or move to a different state. A year later we still have no child because we do not qualify for state funding and there are no guarentees when having a child that costs would be relatively low. So far the government has done a great job keeping us childless…In our situation it looks like we have another 3 or 4 years of waiting but we look forward to when we can…
Abby, six months ago I gave birth to a wonderful baby boy at HOME because of this exact situation! (Home birth was a great experience for me, but still.) I, too, talked to over a dozen private insurance companies and was told what you were told. Why has the media not picked up on this?! And do you know if there is “proof” that the reason private insurance can’t offer maternity coverage is because of Obama’s healthcare reform?
Many governments have implemented items from this wish list – even here in Europe where paid maternity is very generous compared to the USA (my wife got 9 months leave on half pay after the twins were born. When their older sister was born, she took an additional unpaid entitlement.) The truly scary part is forced abortions/sterilizations… and that happens in other parts of the world too.
While it is covered under “group” insurance, we have seen ours drop from a copay to the hospital and they cover the rest, to treating it like a surgery and making us pay 80/20. Bummed.
Abby, Could you provide corroboration for this document? I have some rather sceptical friends who I know are already going to ask. I spent half an hour doing various Google searches and couldn’t really find anything outside of “conspiracy theorist” websites.
This is so shocking that in order to be accepted it must be incontrovertible.
It’s almost as if someone read Humanae Vitae and asked, “What policies might we recommend to make sure this teaching is never, ever realized?”
You can look it up in the journal where it was published. That’s all I got for you.
It took a lot of digging, but here’s what I found:
Mr. Jaffe (who wrote the memo)
was the 1st president of the Alan Guttmacher institute – the institute that provides our government with ALL of its statistics on contraception and abortion. He was part of the commission in the memo as a consulting member, which is why he was sending his PROPOSALS to the commission’s then president, Bernard Berelson.
Okay, so what? So the council had close, intimate ties to founding fathers of Planned Parenthood. Who cares about the “Study of Population Policy for the U.S” in 1969?
John D. Rockefeller III did. That’s why he headed the commission in 1972. That’s why one of the richest families in our country funded (and still fund http://www.population-security.org) this. That’s why it came to be called the Rockefeller Commission.
This commission was created by an act of congress and SIGNED INTO LAW by RICHARD M. NIXON.
Go to the population-security website and poke around. If you’re Catholic, you will likely get goosebumps.
Scary stuff! Its hard to believe that they could actually legally do this.Abby, would it be possible for you to give us some information on the candidates that do not support planned parenthood? Or better yet, are completely against them?
I dont have much information on voting and figured you would.
Abby, you are amazing!!! Keep fighting the good fight and exposing the truth!! God Bless you!
According to a report by Heartlander Magazine (The Heartland Institute, heartland.org) “Individuals seeking maternity coverage in the non-group insurance market are discovering fewer options are available as insurers seek to cut costs to meet the regulatory demands of President Obama’s health care law.” But later the article states “Under Obama’s law these requirements [state mandates to provide maternity coverage] will expand dramatically in 2014, when all policies will be required to cover maternity expenses as an essential health benefit.”
So it is apparently true that private insurance (as opposed to group plans) may not provide maternity coverage at the present time, but that is expected to change. So it is not clear to me that it is Obama’s intent to discourage pregnancy. It wouldn’t shock me that he would want to do this, but so far I’m not seeing a clear connection.
Wow! Im prochoice, and that memo is anything but! I believe that men and women should have a choice. Yes, a choice to have an abortion, but also a choice to actually be responsible and have the child. have as little or many kids as you want, so long as you raise them right and can take care of them.
@Beth, check out ontheissues.org. They list what candidates have said or their voting records on a lot of issues, including abortion.
You are an amazing inspiration to me. I am going to college to be a nurse. I want to get more involved in the prolife movement. Thank God for women like you.
This terrifies me! So much of this has already happened and if it happened, it’s been indocrinated into MOST people- like the idea of only having 2, maybe 3 kids, sterilization, abortion for the unwed, compulsory attendence, avoid/delay marriage! WOW.
The sad thing is that even as a Christian, we’ve been totally fooled into the idea that we had “enough” children and my husband went through a vasectomy that we greatly regret. He’s had it reversed but we have no been able to have more children so far (no sperm 🙁 )
I am having a very hard time believing that this is real.
As much as I want to believe that memo is real, I’m hard pressed to find any original source any where. This is only thing I could find: http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/search/detailmini.jsp?_nfpb=true&_&ERICExtSearch_SearchValue_0=ED047945&ERICExtSearch_SearchType_0=no&accno=ED047945.
Anybody have access to this text and can confirm the presence of that table?
Yes it is real.
I have downloaded the .pdf and have read through most of it. The table Abby provided is in this document at the bottom of page 9 (ix). You will need JSTOR access to view the document, or you can pay a one-time fee (about US $29) for a copy.
Here is the citation:
U.S. Population Growth and Family Planning: A Review of the Literature
Author(s): Robin Elliott, Lynn C. Landman, Richard Lincoln, Theodore Tsuoroka
Reviewed work(s):
Source: Family Planning Perspectives, Vol. 2, No. 4 (Oct., 1970), pp. i-xvi
Published by: Guttmacher Institute
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2133834 .
After reviewing the article, it is both deeply disturbing and less than *some* may make it out to be. These are not “proposed measures”, but the author talks repeatedly about the unfortunate necessity of using “stronger coercion” if voluntary measures are not accepted.
James is absolutely correct that the memo is real (though it does appear to have been retypeset). Thank you, James, for the link. You might be able to get free access to jstor through your local public library–that’s what I did.
I need to point something out, though: This memo is not something that has been hidden away in someone’s file for 40 years; it’s not the stuff of mere legend. In fact, The Guttmacher Institute, far from running a stealth campaign, was and is very public in its anti-life positions. Just browse through some issues of the innocent-sounding journal they publish called Family Planning Perspectives and you’ll see what I mean. Sterilization, forced redistribution of populations, and “reducing the birthrate” are tossed around as casually as water cooler talk about last night’s game.
The question I have is: Where were the good guys when all of this was being written?
This is so disturbing and I am not really shocked by it. The whole memo fits right in with what our government wants. This is a prime example of how evil comes into our world under the cover of something “good.” I wish people would quit buying into this overpopulation theory. I honesty know people who think that the world is overpopulated and would agree with all of this being implemented to prevent using up resources such as food and natural gas, etc.
It makes me want to cry. I’ve been trying to convince my boyfriend that contraception is wrong. Now I get the strong feeling that he–along with myself and nearly everyone I know–has been duped. The only ways in which this is different than a science fiction movie is that it is real, and nobody needed to use drugs to do convince people contraception is a good thing.
@James: FTW! I’ve been looking all over. I’ll be getting a copy soon.
Dear Friends – My name is Randy Engel, and I am the founder and National Director of the U.S. Coalition for Life, the oldest prolife research agency in the world.Since it was the USCL which originally exposed the Jaffe/Berelson Memo nearly 40 years ago I thought it necessary to make the following clarifications.
The chart which appears at our USCL research library website is a re-set copy of the chart that originally appeared in Family Planning Perspectives 1970. The FPP text however was too small to read, so I called Planned Parenthood/World Population in NYC and was told there was no copyright on the publication, so the USCL reset the text and distributed the chart almost immediately. Therefore the chart, in its new format has been available to the public from the USCL since 1970.
When we opened the USCL Research Library in February 2008, we posted both the Berelson/Jaffe chart [re-set] as well as the original article by Berelson of the Population Council titled “Beyond Family Planning”
online. The latter should be read in conjunction with the chart in order to understand the significance of the term “population control.”
If you have any questions about either, I can be contacted at rvte61@comcast.net.
Sincerely, Randy Engel, USCL
i do believe this is real. to those who don’t think it is, does it really matter? look at the evidence! this is disgusting. pro-lifers really need to make themselves more known. when i got pregnant i didnt know where to go and the only place i knew or people told me to go was planned parenthood. i wish i hadnt gone there. i wish i had known of a pro-life place to go. the first thing they said to me when i got there was “so are you terminating?” “NO!”. i am glad to say my baby is a healthy one year old now. lets make a stand people!
I understand people not believing this memo. Actually, I don’t understand. These are not someone else’s words, these are Jaffe’s words. No one will believe you when you tell them that the MRI vaccine is made from aborted babies. Although, you can look on the MERC website and see clearly just how many babies were paid for and killed to make the vaccine. Wake up America and cling to your faith, it will be the only thing to save us!
@Katy: Well, yes it does matter whether this is legit or not. I want to throw it in pro-death peoples’ face and show them how evil the whole anti-natal / pro-sexual-deviancy movement is. If someone were to come back and debunk this chart, then that’s a major let-down.
Anyways, James definitely found it. I managed to obtain a copy through my old school’s network. I’ll re-post it for everyone’s edification:
U.S. Population Growth and Family Planning: A Review of the Literature
Author(s): Robin Elliott, Lynn C. Landman, Richard Lincoln, Theodore Tsuoroka
Reviewed work(s):
Source: Family Planning Perspectives, Vol. 2, No. 4 (Oct., 1970), pp. i-xvi
Published by: Guttmacher Institute
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2133834
This is absolutely unethical, deceitful…the word diabolical actually seems to fit.
Chronic Depression… I can help there…supposedly more children raises this risk, and woman or parents who are depressed shouldn’t have children according to the authorities in our world today…
I was studying psychology…and it is scary the way they manipulate people to do what they want. I wanted to help people…now I am not so sure I want to have any part…of course I am a SAHM as well and am constantly criticized for not working to help us financially…I did the math between childcare expenses and meals pre made cause I can’t cook from scratch we lose money not gain.
I make everything from scratch now and buy more and more from local trusted farmers. There is a lot in our food supply that people don’t realize is detrimental to their health.
WHat is truly scary is the parallels to Hitler’s reign. He encouraged woman to go to work, instituted daycare…and other things…until it went south…one would think we would have learned from history. Apparently not.
Tana, though your comment is a year old, I hope you’ll nonetheless get to read this – a quote from the 1927 (!) essay by G.K. Chesterton, titled “Social Reform versus Birth Control”: “They [the advocates of Birth Control] seem to express a sympathy with those who prefer ‘the right to earn outside the home’ or (in other words) the right to be a wage-slave and work under the orders of a total stranger because he happens to be a richer man. By what conceivable contortions of twisted thought this ever came to be considered a freer condition than that of companionship with the man she has herself freely accepted, I never could for the life of me make out. The only sense I can make of it is that the proletarian work, though obviously more senile and subordinate than the parental, is so far safer and more irresponsible because it is not parental. I can easily believe that there are some people who do prefer working in a factory to working in a family; for there are always some people who prefer slavery to freedom, and who especially prefer being governed to governing someone else. But I think their quarrel with motherhood is not like mine, a quarrel with inhuman conditions, but simply a quarrel with life. Given an attempt to escape from the nature of things, and I can well believe that it might lead at last to something like “the nursery school for our children staffed by other mothers and single women of expert training.”
I will add nothing to that ghastly picture, beyond speculating pleasantly about the world in which women cannot manage their own children but can manage each other’s. But I think it indicates an abyss between natural and unnatural arrangements which would have to be bridged before we approached what is supposed to be the subject of discussion. ” All the best to you.
But…people still need to be responsible. I’m “pro-life,” and I think its awful that we live in a society in which women feel that their best option is abortion. However…I also think it’s completely irresponsible of couples to have more children than they can afford. The Earth can only handle so many people!
Thanks for the info Abby. May God bless you.
God never wanted us to look at our finances to decide if we could afford his blessings. We trust him and he provides. I know because we have 10 children. God has blessed us every step of the way. We may not have a fancy car or house but we have food and clothes and that is what God said he would do. He gives is what we need, not all we want.
BTW, God said be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. I think he knows how much the earth can handle. I say this all in love hoping you will be open to his word.
About the depression thing, if marriages reflect Christ and the church and we follow God’s instructions on raising children, trusting in him daily and getting strength through His word, we won’t be having these issues. I recommend praying for families with many children and seeing how you can be of encouragement to them.
Praise God you are able to be at home with your little ones! May he bless you and strengthen you daily!
Praise God! May he bless your family with all you need, for strength and wisdom in raising your little one!
I pray he changes his mind. Here is a great link to a betrothal series by S. M. Davis you might find interesting. http://biblepreaching.com/ It is at the bottom of the page.
Also, you might enjoy this website, http://www.aboverubies.org
Your right. Check out http://www.crossroad.to for great info.
Thanks for the info. You might be interested in this website. http://www.worldviewweekend.com Brannon has a book out called “Grave Influence-21 Radicals and Their Worldviews that Rule America from the Grave” . Wasn’t it
Jean-Jacques Rousseau who started all this?
More later…if I have time!
Under the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) maternity care is MANDATORY for individual health policies when it takes full effect in 2014. Under HIPPA it is currently mandatory for group health plans, cannot be considered a pre-existing condition, and enrollment periods and other waiting periods must be waived. While the insurance companies may be claiming that the increased costs of the yet to be fully implemented Obamacare are forcing them to not cover maternity care, that is hardly the whole truth, but rather manipulation.
Why does no one ever publish the entire “Jaffe Memo” so it can be read in its complete context? “Table 1” is not the complete memo.
This quote from Christ did come true in the 60s–’80s or ’90s, but it seems us Gen Xers, though not all totally rejecting the contraceptive mentality, aren’t still saying the following words, so there is hope:
Luke 23:29
For behold, the days shall come, wherein they will say: Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that have not borne, and the paps that have not given suck.
this is just scary…thank you, Abby
This is really something, it seems completely far fetched at first glance. But the more you think about it, the more you see that is could actually come about somehow and has already in some ways. I scoffed initially at the idea of “encouraging homosexuality” but then realized, while maybe we are not being encouraged to become gay, we are being desensitized and encouraged to have acceptance of those that are.This makes me think about a documentary I watched on the lost girls of China, where there is a limit on the number of children a family can have. Really frightening idea, that maybe 30-50 years down the road the US could be doing something similar.
Although my personal opinion of family size is: don’t have more than you can afford, and also the world really is becoming overpopulated (just look at China,1.34 billion people, nearly 20% of the worlds population! the US makes up 4.5%), practicing a little constraint really would be beneficial. Example: The Duggars are ridiculous. 19 or 20 kids, really? Is that really necessary?
“Planned Parenthood was asked by the government to produce some ideas to help with overpopulation”, do you have any more on this, Abby, as I am having difficulty finding anything to back this up on the web?
so many people are saying “the earth can only support so many people” If it’s crowded where you live, MOVE!
God does NOT make exceptions “thou shall NOT kill….” means exactly that! If one can find a reason or a need to “retranslate” than obvisious “you” are in the wrong NOT God…. When we as a nation who at one point claimed that “we” are one nation under God has now come to a point in history that “we” are under the “rule” of ourselves and anti-God leadership! So all that live on GOD’s earth can only expect the world to lead to the path of it’s own destruction both morally and in so many other ways……
Penalty for destroying an eagle egg: $250,000. Penalty for destroying an unborn human: nothing. What is wrong with this country?!
Your link to the memo is broken! Any idea when it will be fixed?
[…] It was bad enough in 1942, when Planned Parenthood’s original name—American Birth Control League—was deemed offensive and anti-family. American Birth Control League was renamed Planned Parenthood. Thus the nation’s biggest abortion provider attempted to reboot its public reputation from its eugenic roots, even as its internal memos told a different story. […]