We used to have the hysterotomy, then came the saline abortion. Sometimes induced abortions were performed. Then, it changed to partial birth abortion. There were some other techniques in between those, but those were the main procedures used to abort babies past 18 weeks. So, if those are gone, then what happens. I will tell you.
If a woman desires to have a late-term abortion, she will need to go in for several appointments. One appointment consists of placing sterile seaweed sticks, called Laminaria, into her cervix. These sticks soak up the moisture in the cervix and cause slow dilation.
During another visit, she is injected with a long needle into her amniotic sac. There are times where they actually hit the baby with the needle, sometimes they are only interested in getting the needle into the sa, it .just depends on the doctor. Inside this needle is a medication called Digoxin, a heart medication used on adults to treat congestive heart failure and heart rhythm problems.
However, the child in the womb certainly couldn’t benefit from a drug like that, right? Of course not. In that long syringe, they have enough Digoxin to overdose a small child and that is the intent. The abortionist tells the woman that her child will die instantly, but they lie. Not surprising, right?
They couldn’t tell her the truth; they couldn’t possibly tell her that the child in her womb could possibly struggle and suffer in her womb for up to 48 hours or that she will feel her baby tossing and turning as he or she overdoses and eventually dies. No, that type of honesty is certainly not something the abortion industry likes to share with their patients, but that’s the reality.
The baby doesn’t die quickly. It isn’t instant. It is a struggle. It is pure torture, hours and hours of torture. Then after a couple of days, she will go back to the clinic, and they will confirm that her child has indeed overdosed on the medication and they will induce labor. She will deliver her child.
Sometimes the children are intact. Sometimes they aren’t. Since the woman can’t really help push her baby out since she is usually sedated, the doctor will often have to pull the baby out with instruments. Sometimes the force will cause the baby’s limbs to tear. Then it is over. The woman leaves with a huge bag full of medicine and the doctor never sees her again.
So, does that sound like a good option to you? It doesn’t to me. If you know anything about partial birth abortion, that’s not pretty either. If I am forced to compare the two, nothing makes my stomach turn more than the thought of a fully grown child fighting and struggling for its life, being tortured for up to 48 hours.
So, here’s my question. Why would we fight against one terrible procedure just to ensure that another type of terrible procedure will be performed? That doesn’t make sense to me. It actually just doesn’t make sense. I mean, are we saying that “if you are going to kill a 24 week old baby, you should really do it this way, not that way.”
Really? That’s what we want to say in the pro-life movement? That’s not what I want to say. I want to say all abortion is bad. I want to say no baby should die from abortion, regardless of their age. I want to say that all abortion procedures are terrible and barbaric. I will not pick and choose which abortion procedure is “better.” They all end a life.
Thank you, Abby.
That’s going to be my newest talking point…. there is simply no way to kill an unborn child that is not painful torture.
We’ve already seen that the child reacts reflexively to pain by 10 weeks or so. (I’ll let the neurologists debate the specific date of development.) All we know for sure is that the awareness of pain increases as the child develops.
AMEN to that Abby!
Abby, I totally agree with you. There should be no distinction in the prolife community between one method of abortion from another. They are just different means to the same end, to take the life of a defenseless unborn baby. There is no gray area when it comes to abortion and certainly no “acceptable” way to end a baby’s life.
Thank you for voicing the ugly truth about abortion. You are a testament to those of us on “this side of the fence” that conversion is possible. You are truly an inspiration!
Assuming the injection was actually made in the heart, then the death would occur very quickly, this would still be akin to having a quick heart attack and would likely be very painful for a short period of time. Very few abortionists are skilled enough to do this.
Just putting digoxin in the fluid is very cruel and would be an extremely nasty death! Imagine the feeling of your heart going nuts while filled with extreme nausea and a bad headache that just worsens until death.
It should not be too hard to make late term abortions illegal, most Pro-Choicers I know think they should be illegal too.
Some abortionists are actually concerned with fetal pain and would prefer something better for ending the life quickly and painlessly, the problem is the limited selection of drugs that would not kill or injure the mother in the process.
The only advantage I can see to incrementally banning abortion procedures is a legal one. Partial birth abortion ban not challenged or passes the Supreme Court? Good. Now ban all other late term procedures using PBA as precedent.
That’s what I think many had hoped for. But it’s not happening, is it? Why not? Because our congressmen are a bunch of cowards! The PBA ban brought abortion into the MSM. It’s time to bring D&E into the news……if only we could find congressmen with courage.
The 20 wk fetal pain bills are good, but what about the babies at 18 wks as mentioned above, or 19 wks 3 days, or 16 wks, 12 wks, 8 wks, etc.? Wake up, America!
Unfortunately, as someone who is part of an abortion debate group, it has been suggested REPEATEDLY that unborn children can’t feel ANYTHING before 22 weeks, and occasionally suggested that the connectors from the nerves to the brain aren’t present so it’s like poking someone who is paralyzed ~ the body might react, but they don’t really “feel” it.
While it has been suggested repeatedly that pain is not felt until 22 weeks, that is not known as fact. The reality of the situation is that nobody knows for sure as pain is subjective in nature, and the unborn subject is not really in a position to directly communicate the pain. There are reports out there that say pain cannot be proven until 6 months of age, and technically speaking that is correct, because a newborn can cry and shake in agony, but there is nothing to prove that it is not reflex. Basically stated, the baby cannot say “ow”, and cannot recognize itself in a mirror. However, I think we all know that newborns can feel pain.
When does pain start in the womb? The reports that I have read show the earliest possibility at around 8 1/2 weeks and the latest (credible) reports show as late as 24 weeks. If I had to take an educated guess based off of the reports I have read, I would guess 10 weeks is when pain likely starts, and is almost certain by 18 weeks.
If you want to speculate that motions of the unborn are just reflex, you have to look for intentional motion versus jerking. During ultrasound abortions where the woman is not highly sedated on Versed and Fentanyl, I think you would start seeing very basic coordinated efforts to escape pain or discomfort at about 10 weeks. 14 week old unborn children have been observed sucking their thumbs in ultrasounds, while this is instinct, it is certainly above basic reflex.
Is a full cortex necessary? Look into reports of those with hydranencephaly (different than hydracephaly) who are nearly decorticate individuals, and yet they experience pain. Granted, without a cortex you are not likely to have much thought about the pain (being mad or wondering what is happening), but it certainly does not rule out the subjective experience of feeling pain.
Stem cells play multiple roles which is the magic behind them, so it is also quite possible that the brain may be experiencing consciousness in a way that we do not understand with our adult model of the brain. Other factor people may want to consider is the difference in density of the tissue and other cellular and chemical differences. For instance, does the fetal mind experience synesthesia, which is a blending of senses, do to the ever changing brain wiring. If you have taken LSD you might be familiar with this sensation, but to put it into basic terms, the unborn child might be able to see pain, hear pain, taste pain, and feel pain. Who knows due to the changing nature of the brains wiring at certain points in time it is possible, but unlikely, that being aborted feels like a tickle followed by a feeling of weakness followed by the blackness of death.
Some argue that the hormones and chemicals in the womb keep the child asleep, but they are misreading the studies, the environment is CONDUCIVE to sleep. This is not a forced pain free sleep as you would see with anesthesia, this would be the same sensation you might get after having a sleepy turkey dinner and someone came up and ripped your arm off, you’d wake up.
So basically speaking, pain is a near certainty between 20-24 weeks, but it is also very likely to start before then.
Some abortionists are concerned with fetal pain? Yet, they keep doing it…
You do know that late term abortion is only done for medical reasons, right?
Actually, late term abortions are RARELY done for “medical reasons.” Learn the facts. I NEVER saw a woman go to have a late term abortion for a “medical reason.” NEVER.