OPERATION CONVERSION 1/8/11 – 1/14/11: Please pray for Dr. LeRoy Carhart. Dr. Carhart is one of the most experienced second & third trimester abortion providers. He performs abortions up to 32 weeks gestation. He previously worked in the state of Nebraska, but because of recent laws he has been trying to practice in other states.
Please commit to pray with me for Dr. Carhart every day for the next seven days. This is not a call to contact him or his facility.
**Please post this on your Facebook wall, send to your prayer groups, talk to your minister, post on a prayer chain, or do whatever you can to get this message out. The goal is to have as many people praying for this physician at one time.
We know the power of prayer is amazing and can change any heart. Thank you for your commitment!
Thank goodness for people like him, else some desperate women would be left with no help other than calls for prayer.
Oh yes, Patricia. Because we all know abortion is the only option, right? Heaven forbid women choose life for their children and decided to parent or place for adoption? There are many people who want to help these desperate women. Dr. Carhart just wants to take their money and the life of their child.
The last man who provided these services was assassinated. You may know him better by his (Bill O’Reily)FOX name of “Tiller The baby Killer”
Bill is a christian. Don’t you think a christian would not try to incite violence?
Bills nickname for Dr. Tiller was, in my opinion, the kind of dangerous name calling that can foster severe negative and violent reaction from the people to whom he is ‘reporting’.
I’m sorry…I must have missed something. Did I “incite violence” by this post? I don’t think so. I have no idea what your post is related to. Do you think Bill O’Reilly made up that name for Dr. Tiller? He didn’t. People had been calling him that for years.
I happen to think the woman’s life is as important as that of the unborn. She’s already here and suffering- of course abortion is not the only choice for some, but you want to deny it as ever an option for anyone, no matter the circumstances; that means truly horrific cases, and you feel perfectly justified in working as hard as you can to make sure there will be no choice in the case of incest, rape, battered women, mentally disturbed women, etc.
LeRoy Carhart has serious problems. The Humane Society had to confiscate his horses because they were starving to death. One of his own staff reported him to the medical board for bizarre behavior. His “clinic” is in what appears to be an old muffler shop, and had a junked truck sitting out front. The companion who accompanied Haley Mason for the abortion Haley would eventually commit suicide over wondered who Carhart could see through his filthy eyeglasses. When he was trying to resuscitate Christin Gilbert, he was so inept that the paramedics didn’t realize he was a doctor; they thought he was an untrained bystander. The man is a wreck. But he kills unborn babies, and this somehow qualifies him for the uncritical support of “women’s rights advocates”?
Patricia, stop to think about it. These women are in the middle of a crisis, and Carhart swoops in, stashes them in a motel room in the care of their friends, takes their money, and sends them home to bleed for the rest of their lives. Perinatal hospice is available that would allow these women to love their babies through the remainder of their short lives, and to have memories only of love, never of having signed on the dotted line to have their baby stabbed in the heart, or stabbed in the skull.
Carhart is a vulture. Maybe he fancies himself a savior; maybe he knows full well what he’s doing. But either way he needs prayer, as do the bewildered and troubled women tossed to him by doctors who don’t care enough to see their patients through difficult times.
Still, a woman should not be prevented from doing what she thinks is best for herself AND her unborn child, not what you think is best. I suspect many women will feel remorse over an abortion (but certainly not all). They might also feel remorse for bringing an unwanted child into the world to suffer poor or violent parenting by heaven knows who.
Do you really feel you and the rest of the rabid anti-abortion people have the right to conflict the laws so that poor women (those who can’t run off to Mexico or Europe) cannot find a reputable doctor for an abortion! How arrogant of you all!
Patricia,No, you think that the mother’s life is MORE important than the baby’s. Think about it. What other scenario involves the rationalization that killing an innocent is acceptable to promote your quality of life/mental stability?
How can anyone who has a beating heart find words that can justify killing a human life…an innocent baby….one that did not ask to be conceived and certainly did not then ask to die. What a monster this Dr. Carhart is…..what a crazy world we live in to permit someone to perform these atrocities under the guise of helping women.