Dr. Ruddock helped to develop the partial birth abortion procedure. He performs abortions up to 30 weeks gestation. He currently works in the state of Ohio.
Please commit to pray with me for Dr. Ruddock every day for the next seven days. This is not a call to contact him or his facility.
**Please post this on your Facebook wall, send to your prayer groups, talk to your minister, post on a prayer chain, or do whatever you can to get this message out. The goal is to have as many people praying for this physician at one time.
We know the power of prayer is amazing and can change any heart. Thank you for your commitment!
my nephew was born at 30 weeks gestation. He lived for a little over 2 months after birth because he contracted e coli at birth. This just makes me sad.
He’s not a dr. he’s an abortionist, there’s a difference. Please take down the word ‘dr.’ thanks
He is a doctor. He is a licensed medical doctor. Just because we don’t like what he does with his license doesn’t make it false.
I work at a Hospital in Cleveland and i take reports from Dr.’s sending pts to the emergency room. Dr. Ruddick calls us all the time with pt’s he basically killed while doing one of his disgusting precedures. He usually ruptures women’s utereus and they bleed out in the MICU unit. This is disguisting, i hate taking calls from him and hearing about these poor babies
Would you be willing to give specific testimony as to these crimes against women that you have witnessed? Our prolife group prays at Abortion Access regularly. We would like to file a formal complaint against Ruddock with the Ohio Department of Health. If you see this, please contact me at 440-497-7498. Our group is called HELP.
I just heard today that Abortion Access, Ruddock’s clinic, on Shaker Blvd. closed…