Dr. Bours and his wife opened their abortion clinic in 1976. He currently sits on the board of the National Abortion Federation. Dr. Bours performs abortions up to 23 weeks gestation in the states of Idaho, Washington, California and Oregon.
Please commit to pray with me for Dr. Bours and his wife every day for the next seven days. This is not a call to contact them or their facility.
**Please post this on your Facebook wall, send to your prayer groups, talk to your minister, post on a prayer chain, or do whatever you can to get this message out. The goal is to have as many people praying for this physician at one time.
We know the power of prayer is amazing and can change any heart. Thank you for your commitment!
Mrs. Johnson, Hello! I am in 9th grade, been on a Walk For Life (just one, sadly) and I am very pro-life! I am currently working on a big old informative essay about abortion, and I would like to use qoutes from your blog posts, past interveiws, and articles, please! I don’t know how I will get it published, yet, but first things first, write? So, may I have permission to take some of your qoutes and some of what you said and use them in my essay? It will be very helpful, and, hopefully, very effective!
And admiring fan and huge pro-lifer,
Caitlyn [Catie;)] Hall
I want to say thank-you for telling your story in your book “Unplanned”. I was very moved by your change of heart and it really struck me how we need to have respect for people on the other side, because without dialogue we get nowhere. I am running a small pro-life group at the school I work at and I have mentioned your book, encouraging them to read it. I am hoping to bring to my small group the idea of prayer to end abortion, because as I read your book I began to realize the hugeness of it. I have done the 40 days for life here in Toronto(Canada), but I really didn’t know the impact it could have.Thanks again for being such a courageous witness!
Dr. Bours has closed all his abortuaries. Alleluia!!!