So, a few years ago, Planned Parenthood decided that they were going to do a series of “superhero” videos. Most of them were released by the Planned Parenthood Golden Gate affiliate… you know, that one that was recently shut down.
Nevertheless, I think these videos make for good conversation pieces. They “don’t want violence” yet in the video, they blow up the thriller-esque pro-life demonstrators. Even pro-choicer advocates thought it was tacky.
Planned Parenthood Propaganda Video: A Superhero Choice.
oh. my. goodness. I know I shouldn’t be shocked…after all the video was made by PP…but seriously??? Love seeing our tax dollars hard at work 🙁
p.s. I re-posted this on my blog today and have already lost two of my blog followers. One told me she was tired of me “bashing” pro-choicers and Planned Parenthood (which I definitely don’t do…I simply share truth and facts), and the other told me my posts on abortion make her uncomfortable. I replied to her that abortion SHOULD make you uncomfortable, and that perhaps that feeling of discomfort was placed in her heart for a reason – to stir her into action. I also offered to send both of them a copy of your book. 🙂
whoa. I just watched this. It is truly, truly disgusting. Thanks for bringing this to our attention, Abby! God bless you, and keep up the awesome work 🙂
OMGosh. I couldn’t even finish the video. It is truly disturbing. Wow. Ugh. I think I am gonna be sick.
What makes me sad is when the vote to nationally defund PP came up one of my friends on facebook posted a petition in support of PP. I knew she’d always be a little bit of a liberal type of girl but figuring that I knew her from college, as I went to a very Christian conservative- “never be caught dead supporting anything to do with abortion” type college, I was shocked. I was horrified that she’d support such an organization. I even commented on her post but she neither commented back nor did she removed the post.
I think I’ll post this video to show how far PP will stoop. So far my pro-life stance hasn’t made anyone upset. I know it might but in the words of my Christian elementary teachers “We do right because it is right to do right.” “Sometimes what’s right isn’t always popular and what is popular isn’t always right.” We’ve got to take a stand even if no one likes it. We’ve got to let the truth be known. That’s what Jesus did. Many people didn’t like him either. So I think we’re in good company.