Dear Clinic Worker,
You entered the abortion industry because you wanted to help women. You were told that illegal abortion was dangerous. You didn’t want to see that happen to anyone. You came in with the right intentions.
It could be that you just needed a job. Maybe you really didn’t know what Planned Parenthood was all about. Now, you do know. Now you see what abortion really is and you may feel uncomfortable, but how do you leave?
You may be a single mom or maybe you are woman who is supporting her whole family during this terrible economy. Maybe this is the first time you have ever had a job that offered insurance, not just for you, but also for your children.
How will you be able to support your family? You’re doing the right thing anyway, right? Maybe you’re at the point where you aren’t sure anymore.
You see people outside praying. You don’t know what they are doing. Are they praying for you or just the women going in to have abortions? You are told every day that they are dangerous and want to harm you, but is that really true?
You have seen some crazy “pro-lifers.” Sometimes, they may yell at you or you have heard those stories from other workers you know. Sometimes, they say hateful things. You hear about bombings at other clinics and workers who are killed and wonder if these are the same people.
Your employer tells you they are. Some of them seem like they really want to help you, but you know you could never really trust them. They are the enemy, right?
You just don’t understand why people say that you coerce women into having abortions. You don’t think you are coercing them. It seems like you are just helping them make the best decision.
I mean, a 14 year old shouldn’t be forced to have a baby. In fact, you received training on how to talk about abortion in “tough situations.” These women don’t seem to be upset when they come back. In fact, they are happy about the decision they made. They can’t thank you enough.
So, where are all these people that “regret” their abortions? You don’t see them. You tell women that “abortion is normal” and that women don’t feel sad after their abortion, and maybe that is actually true.
Sometimes, women ask about their baby before the abortion. You don’t really know what to say. You haven’t been taught anything about fetal development. You really want to answer their questions, but you don’t know what the answers are.
So, you think you have to say something to ease the woman’s mind. You have only been taught about abortion. You know every detail of the abortion procedure. Why can’t these patients just stick to facts about abortion, that’s what they are here for anyway.
People ask you where you work, you aren’t sure why, but you always feel embarrassed to talk about it. Instead of telling them, “I work at an abortion clinic,” you simply say, “I work at a doctor’s office.” You just want to avoid the whole “abortion” conversation. Your family intentionally avoids talking about your job. It almost feels like they are embarrassed by what you do to earn a living.
You hear about former abortion clinic workers. They are called, ”traitors”. When people talk about them, they always say how they betrayed women, how they betrayed the whole pro-choice movement. But, you wonder how they did it? How did they get out? How could they just leave everything behind? All of their friends, money, and stability. You have heard that pro-lifers helped them when they wanted to leave? Would they help you, too?
Yes, we will. We will help you. We want to help you. You are able to trust us. We don’t just want you to leave the abortion industry, we want a change in your life. We want you to find peace and happiness.
You probably haven’t felt those things in a while. We know it will be hard for you to step out and trust people that are supposed to be your enemy. However, if you are willing to just take that first step, then we will hold your hand through this difficult transition.
The road out of the abortion industry is not an easy one. Some people will question your conversion. Some pro-lifers will not trust you and some will even say terrible things about you.
Remember, you don’t want to leave in order to become popular. You want to leave because it is the right thing to do. Your current friends at work will desert you. Remember that right remains right, even if no one is doing it and wrong remains wrong, even if everyone is doing it.
You will literally be starting over. Even though that sounds like it would be really lonely, it’s not. It is the best new life you could ever ask for.
You may be confused and scared. Don’t be. We are here. We are waiting. We are praying.
Caring pro-lifer
Excellent letter…I pray the right people read it. We are getting so close to being able to change people’s minds about abortion. This is one more step…
Abby, this is very well written, so loving and gentle. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to get this printed up, and left on the employees cars in the parking lots of abortion clinics? I pray that this letter reaches many abortion clinic workers, and gives them the courage to do what you did, and start fresh with a new life in Christ. God bless you and your family, Abby.
I left planned parenthood spokane, wa last december. I am a medical assistant and yet, I cant get a job since working there. I am the breadwinner in our family, and right now weare drowning in debt, we’ve struggled to afford utilities for our children, its sad. I feel like I made the best choice to leave, but a bad choice for my kids because I took away so much opportunities and comfort from them when I quit. It’s hard. I hope something good happen for us soon.
I have emailed you, Kristina. Hope to speak with you soon.
Hi Kristina, I will be praying for you so that you might find the right job very soon. We cannot beat God in generosity. Please, let us all know when you found it so that we might rejoice with you.
Thank you Abby for the beautiful letter and all you do. Merry Christmas!
Abby, I am only 90 miles from Kristina and would be glad to encourage her and help her realize that God is going to find a way to provide and she has made a good choice I am going through the healinng process of having abortions at that very Planned Parenthood she left. I will be praying for this brave women and her family.
Abby, I am so grateful for your witness. You are doing so much to help the pro-life movement! I wish every abortion employee could read this letter!
One thing that I have noticed is that very frequently you bring up clinic bombings and murders. Just WHEN was the last attack on an abortion clinic (aside from the appalling murder of George Tiller, I can’t think of an incident in the last decade.) I have been praying on sidewalks and working with pro-life groups for almost 7 years and I have only encountered ONE person who even maybe spoke in a manner that might be considered disrespectful to a worker or client. And, I think that person may not have been mentally stable, and a fellow witness asked her to re-read the pledge she signed to be peaceful and prayerful. I think when you continue to bring up a past that the vast majority of the pro-life movement left behind over a decade ago, you play into the pro-abortion characterization of us as extremists. It’s alright to acknowledge our past mistakes, however, I really wish you would stress how much the movement has changed and how long it has been since those tactics have been used.
We are winning this battle with prayer and tangible help for women and children, please, please focus on broadcasting who we are now! Thank you and God bless your efforts. I really don’t mean to be overly critical, I know you are doing a tremendous amount of good!
Well, there was recently a bombing at a clinic in Austin…just down the road from me. So, yeah, it still happens.
AND, I experienced a lot of hate speech when I first started working for PP. Maybe YOU haven’t seen it, but it happens. And what matters is what the workers are hearing from their employer. They are hearing that pro-lifers are violent and out to harm them. It really doesn’t matter what you think about it…their perception is what matters.
Excellent! I pray it spreads far and wide and reaches many people currently trapped in the industry, thinking they have no way out.
BTW, I think you handled the shootings and bombings fabulously. They do still happen from time to time, and these trapped folks need to know that is NOT how most of us operate or what we condone. They need to know that we acknowledge that scary, hateful stuff does happen (just like the pro-lifers screaming hateful words at them), that we’re not trying to ignore it or pretend it doesn’t occur. They need to know we aren’t all like that. Most of us aren’t.
What a courageous thing you did! It may be hard now, but you are doing the right thing! I live in Post Falls – not far from you at all. I would love to talk with you, encourage you. My email is thecareys. At.
Kristina,You are a strong person. I feel your frustration yet you have made it this far. I have been out of work for a while due to illness and I understand the feeling of drowning financially. You made a good choice! We will pray that you find a job soon. Please feel email me if you want to talk.
Can you clarify this post? I can’t find anything in the news about it??
Abby Johnson says:
DECEMBER 29, 2011 AT 10:44 AM
Well, there was recently a bombing at a clinic in Austin…just down the road from me. So, yeah, it still happens.
What should we do if someone has an interest in leaving? I recently spoke very briefly to a young lady at the facility where I pray. I wasn’t really prepared to talk to her, it just sort of happened (the Holy Spirit at work). I told her that I would get information for her. Thank you Abby for all that you do. May God continue to bless you and your family!
Thank you for all you do, Everyone! keep the faith!
Kristina, I live in Post Falls and may know someone who can help you find a job. Feel free to e-mail me at
Thank you all for your outstanding prayers and best wishes. I will follow up with those of you who have left your emails and I appreciate your contact.
When I left, I was all of a sudden sure I was doing the right thing. I hope that other workers will also be stricken with the reality of what they are doing. I pray for the families and babies who are continually victimized by Planned Parenthood and abortions everywhere, and hope that my voice can help to clear up the confusion surrounding this painful topic.
I continue my search for employment, and I hopeful that I will find a job soon so that I can support my family.
My email is
Thank you for your prayers and intentions.
I just found your blog this morning. Thank you Abby for being a light in the darkness!
You and Kristina are both so courageous! Kristina, I’m praying that God will guide you quickly to exactly the right job for you and your family. You have done a wonderful, difficult thing in leaving a job you knew was wrong.
Dear Kristina,I am so proud and happy that you left a Planned Parenthood. This is an answer to so many prayers. Please contact Bishop Tyson’s office (you can look him up on Facebook) and ask the office if they can use your help with the Rachel’s Vineyard retreats. If not there, perhaps his office has some employment ideas for you. I will be praying for you. It must be so hard to leave behind the comforts of a good salary and benefits and to be facing a sea of uncertainties and fears regarding your financial situation. God is good, and He will look after you. Trust in Him that something good will open up soon. I think there is a strong temptation there to lure you back to PP because of the financial security, but don’t be tempted.
Also, Abby & other clinic workers, I am so sorry that you have experienced hateful speech from anyone. What a difficult thing that must be to face. God is love, and anyone who speaks out in hate is not speaking out in His name. Our job as pro-lifers is to draw people closer to Christ and to help convert hearts. You do not do that by yelling hateful things at people. Thank you for reminding people of that, Abby. Always, always, always treat others with compassion and love. That is what Jesus taught. Love your enemy; do good to those who hate you, and live in His love. Truly, Abby, you have been through so much – you are a beautiful witness and testament to the faith. These other ladies who have quit – you have followed God’s call to holiness. Continue to follow God’s path, and you will be blessed beyond measure! – Suzie
I’m a huge fan of yours and I admire your courage! I attended a few of the big pro-life events in MO this past week and I know you’ll be coming to Jefferson City soon, I can’t wait to hear you speak in person!
Thank you for everything you do!
Praying that Missouri will be the first Abortion-FREE state,
Ashlee Bush
Abby,God bless you for all you now do to help protect the precious gift of LIFE! You give great hope to all us pro-life pray-ers in the ‘trenches’. I am very happy for you, your conversion, and your new (eternal) life… what an exciting story! Your letter is wonderful and wouldn’t it be awesome if every 40 Days for Life campaign had a supply of these to hand out to every abortion worker!? Thank you and may God continue to bless and guide you.
Abby, terrific letter. I appreciate the honesty, and that it is from the heart. Your work has been unmatched for power, clarity and the ability to directly address the truth of what happens in those clinics. Kristina, know that many are praying for you and your family. It is our greatest wish that you find your self on your feet again soon!
PRO LIFE,You are amazing ,I hope that your message is spread around the world because we need someone to help those in tough possitions that want out.You should never have to do sothing your not proud off.I proudly support you and your message.