Please take the time to watch this Planned Parenthood: The real activists video. It may be shocking to you, but it should also bend our knees to prayer.
Please pray for the people in this video. There is so much hurt and justification. Pray for their conversion and healing. Remember that all hearts can be changed while we are living and breathing on this earth.
It just makes my heart sad. They are so angry. But I’m glad they are speaking clearly, so people can decide which side to stand with.
So much hatred. 🙁
But can I just say how much I love and their amazing videos??
The “Keep Your Rosaries Off My Ovaries” slogan is about the most fatuous one yet:
1. Does she understand that fetuses gestate in the UTERUS, not the ovary?
2. It’s PLANNED PARENTHOOD that is about tampering with ovaries. They’re obsessed with the idea that there are women who are (gasp!) OVULATING EVERY MONTH! How DARE they!? Planned Parenthood’s goal is to wipe out normal ovulation.
So in the name of keeping other people’s — what, attention? — off other women’s ovaries, she stands with the most anti-ovary organization on the planet?
It makes as much sense as making up a slogan telling people to keep their religion away from your salt shaker, at a rally supporting an organization that tries to ban salt from restaurants and food processing centers.
The “How can you trust me with a child?” Obviously we CAN’T, or she’d not be out in the street screaming about how it’s her fundamental right to have her children torn limb from limb at her behest. Duh.
It’s like Nazis complaining that not trusting them to choose whether or not to exterminate the Jews is evidence that we should help them to exterminate Jews, on the grounds that the Jews are obviously better off dead than surrounded by Nazis.
Personally, I was shocked by the comment made by a young man in the video “…I want Planned Parenthood at every corner, just like Starbucks” I thought of how much in this society we absorb of what I would call “the culture of death”. Does that man really think we need stop’n’go PP clinics? This society needs an IV of “culture of Life”, now!
It makes me sad and angry. Too many people just want to live how ever they want without taking responsibility for their actions. I’m sure that there are many people that make up this world who were unplanned pregnancies. I know a few for sure who try to make this world a better place. I’m sure that they are glad that they were not aborted. This video made me think of the many inconsistencies there are. If we asked, I’d be willing to bet that many would fight tooth and nail for animal rights. That’s ashame!
I got chills listening to how heartless and cold those young people sound. How sad for our future huh? I’m 23 so I’m still young as well but I have much more respect for life and don’t need to cuss in order to get a point across! I can not believe how selfish those girls are…they just do not realize what they are saying. I really do not believe that they have ever felt a baby kick inside of them. If they have then they really must have no heart.
This truly is shocking, as it exposes the truth of just how far society has gone down the path of denying the sanctity of human life. It exposes the truth of what happens when a society follows an evolutionistic thought process…they begin to behave like the animals they believe themselves to be. I recently read “Architects of the Culture of Death” and what this video shows is the increasing fruition of what began long, long ago. May they see the Light of God and embrace the truth before it’s too late.
It makes me sad for our generation. This week I stood outside of our local Planned Parenthood in Mobile with David Bereit and about 20 others give or take. It was my first time so I didn’t really know what to expect. We were flipped off by one girl driving by the clinic and another yelled out and called us losers. Both were around my age.
Christina – I was thinking about that stupid rosary/ovary thing earlier today. So glad you posted that!