As I have said before, one of the very best weapons we have as pro-lifers is the abortion industry’s own words, particularly the words they put in legal forms such as consent forms.
Below are some links to Planned Parenthood’s own forms. If you work in a pregnancy center, print out these forms! Highlight the risks! Show these abortion vulnerable women what they are up against. Show them the truth right out of their own mouths!!!!
Disclosure and Consent Form for Medical, Surgical, and Diagnostic Procedures
Planned Parenthood on the Abortion Pill
Thanks abby i have seen twice on the page ( will result in Death of the fetus) Murder results in death.
Thank you for being such a force for life! Thank you for these resources!
I just started to read the first pdf and I really can’t believe a girl would sign after reading all of those risks! The Pro-abortion people can’t deny the risks of abortion procedures if it is on PP’s own paperwork!
Abby, I just wanted to let you know I purchased four copies of your book to send to family members. Thank you for writing it. Also, your name came up (in connection with Live video) at a weblog I enjoy which is run by an Assistant D.A. in Los Angeles. The site is known as Patterico’s pontifications.
I just thought you might want to know.
Hi Abby,I am desperately trying to get a hold of someone. We need to stay strong and mobilize people so that the vote to Defund Planned Parenthood can also pass in the Senate. We need a unifying motto or logo, ad, etc.. for this campaign and we need it now! PP has buttons everywhere saying “We Stand w/ PP”, We need one too! Who can I get in contact with ASAP in order to coordinate something? Email can be too slow and time is of the essence. We can’t think this is over just yet. I would love to help and would be willing to design something too.
Abby,In your experience, how often did women/girls seeking abortion ask about the “even death” part of the consent form? I understand that all surgical procedures carry some risk of death, but I am curious as to how PP employees handle that query in particular.
They usually don’t ask about it because they don’t read the forms!! Sad, but true. The “counselor” just pushes all of the papers in their face with an “x” highlighted on the page for them to sign. They don’t even ask twice.
If someone did ask about dying, the counselor would say something like “Oh, that is so rare…it happens like 1 in a million and it has never happened here. You will be fine. Don’t worry.” They just brush it off.