I am proud to give my personal endorsement to Senator Rick Santorum, a true champion of the unborn. While Senator Santorum has other outstanding qualities that would make him a wonderful President of the United States, his focus on protecting life in its most vulnerable stages speaks magnitudes about his values and morals as a leader.
By valuing life in all its stages, Senator Santorum displays the courage that is needed to turn this country around. When a society devalues life, from the unborn to the elderly and disabled, morals and values are thrown to the wayside to the detriment of all its citizens. As I saw during my time working at Planned Parenthood, when life is devalued, unborn babies and their mothers just become another way to boost the bottom dollar.
Senator Rick Santorum has the courage to lead by morals and absolute truths, which I find refreshing. He is a man of integrity and faith and I am proud to publicly offer my endorsement.
YES! Go Santorum!
Abby,Thank you so so much for this endorsement!! He has been my guy since August and a personal idol for me to look up to. He is a man of great faith with a beautiful family and I strongly encourage you to read his one and only book, ”It Takes a Family”. Again, I a so happy that someone that is well known in the pro-life movement is endorsing Rick. It takes courage, but we both know, that is what Rick Santorum is about. God Bless and thanks again!
Christian Andzel
President of UB Students for Life
Thank you Abby, I am sure Rick will appreciate this. Hope he makes everyone know about this.
Exactly! Rick Santorum’s prioritizing life, family and values is what makes him the right man to lead this country.
Abby I agree with you 100%.Just to share with you, today in Texas we are having the “Texas Saddle Up” straw poll and I voted for Santorum. I surely hope and pray that many stand up and vote for Life.
Thank you very much for supporting Rick Santorum. Your endorsement is highly appreciated and I give you props for staying true to your convictions.
Hi Abby,
just wondering what your thoughts are on Ron Paul? I’m australian, therefore can’t vote/ don’t have much knowledge on how your elections are run, but have so far loved his stance on defunding planned parenthood. Would love to know your perspective though?
Love everything you do.
I also think Rick Santorum is a great choice for president. Two issues for him though. First, Mitt Romney probably has the momentum to keep going and winning primaries. It takes just a couple of primaries for the public to get the idea of who the winner is. Second, even though I think that Rick’s social stands are fantastic, they are bringing out this over the top focus from the media that will probably hurt him in the long run. The birth control questions at the New Hampshire debate were aimed directly at Rick Santorum.
If Rick Santorum is the candidate, I would be extremely pleased. But I’m prepared to support Romney in the end.
On a personal note Abby I loved your book (I read it on the bus going to the 2011 March for Life in DC), welcome to the Catholic Church, and best wishes to your family (including your new addition!)
Hi Abby, I support Santorum too, but how should I answer pro-choicers who claim that his wife’s induced labor was tantamount to an abortion?
Thank you Abby for endorsing Rick Santorum for President. We appreciate all that you do to help out the Santorum campaign and the pro-life issue.
Thanks for endorsing Rick Santorum, a God-fearing man who stands for righteousness, and the principles this country was founded upon. May he have much success in the next few primaries.
I like santorum, too–it seams like he is thorough in making the life stance the center of all his other convictions in which he makes a good case officer over LIFE, LIBERTY and the persuit of HAPPINESS AKA: AMERICA. Pro+Creation!
Great to see this endorsement, Abby!
vitabenedicta – Here is a blog poast which explains the full story of the Santorum’s miscarriage (and why it was not an abortion), including Karen Santorum’s own words. http://lisagraas.com/blog/2012/01/04/karen-santorum-did-not-have-an-abortion-and-rick-santorum-did-not-authorize-one/
Abby, I have enjoyed learning about you and “getting to know you” through your book. I came on here for something else and saw your endorsement for Santorum and was, “I knew I like you now I like you even more!” So glad to see someone of your status supporting him. I have been for Santorum from day one and pray daily for him and for all things pro-life (including those that are pro-choice). Thanks for all you do! I admire you!
Rick Santorum has my vote, too!