Join former Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson and other former abortion workers for a powerful webcast ,“Exposing the Lie,” on Monday, June 11, 2012, at 7:00pm central (8:00pm EST).
These former clinic workers will share their experiences from behind the doors of the abortion clinics and expose the truth about the abortion industry. Abby Johnson will discuss her newfound ministry, “And Then There Were None,” that reaches out to current and former abortion workers by offering financial, legal, emotional, and spiritual support as clinic workers transition out of the abortion industry and into a new line of work.
So far, seventeen abortion clinic workers have contacted her wanting out of the abortion industry—and this is only the beginning.
You won’t want to miss this webcast. Register now at to secure your spot for this groundbreaking event.
For more information about our new clinic worker ministry, please visit And Then There Were None.
Abby, You are a woman after my own heart. I registered for the webcast & pray it reaches all over the world. I have a Christian blog about abortion, adoption & infertility, at I have two adopted children, and the Lord has had me share my story and encourage women to take the path of life and adoption. I stand with you, and will ask God to bless you and ATTWN.Donna Leeper
Abby, Because you followed your heart, the tide is changing and so many babies will live.Bless you.
I volunteer at my local pregnancy support center, doing what I can to help stop the tide of women who want to abort their babies, so I applaud each, and every, person who takes a stand to stop abortion. You have seen firsthand what abortion is, and does to a child, and I am glad you are taking the stand to stand up and fight the fight to end abortion in this country.
Thank you for “Exposing the Lie” by “Exposing the Truth.”God Bless You!!!
God bless you for choosing to reach out to those most in need of His mercy–they are not beyond His reach, to those willing to be Jesus with skin on, those who can see Jesus in THEM, even if in a “most distressing disguise!”
Thank you for reminding me to keep all these folks, so loved by God, in our prayers.
I don’t have a website but I pray and fast for an end to this evil “the culture of death”.